Monday, November 1, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Issey Miyake

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

silence of the lambs

illustration friday,
Thursday, October 7, 2010

I made it for them
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What am I dead or something?
I mean really.
I'm just a lazy bum.
here are some pictures I took to keep you entertained while I go off actually working on blog posts ♥

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The After Effect: Short film by me.
Too tired to write anymore. All the information is on the youtube page.
Goodnight everybody.
Thursday, August 19, 2010

illustration friday,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Happy to be home
Hello follower and possible readers (if any).
I'm home finally! The place is a mess and they did the worst possible job they could do, leaving even a cigarette as a present (yay -__-).
But who cares about that, I'm home. I can sleep in my own bed and eat my own food. And the best part about being home? I will never have to wash dishes again.
Yes, I did in FACT get a dishwasher! Yaayyyy!
Anyways, short post because I have to get back to cleaning up after the crappy workers. Bye bye!

Here's a picture to keep you amused.
I promise you I will get back to posting illustrations when I'm properly settled in, and actual effort will be put into them! :O
And one last thing: Do you like the new layout? The other one was bothering me because all the images kept spilling over kjhdjkfhsd. Well whatever. I surrendered to blogger's new templates (ewww)
I'm home finally! The place is a mess and they did the worst possible job they could do, leaving even a cigarette as a present (yay -__-).
But who cares about that, I'm home. I can sleep in my own bed and eat my own food. And the best part about being home? I will never have to wash dishes again.
Yes, I did in FACT get a dishwasher! Yaayyyy!
Anyways, short post because I have to get back to cleaning up after the crappy workers. Bye bye!

Here's a picture to keep you amused.
I promise you I will get back to posting illustrations when I'm properly settled in, and actual effort will be put into them! :O
And one last thing: Do you like the new layout? The other one was bothering me because all the images kept spilling over kjhdjkfhsd. Well whatever. I surrendered to blogger's new templates (ewww)
Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm getting renovations done on my apartment this week, so I will have little to no computer access. Its a very depressing time in my life. (sade lyf)
On the upside, I will have more time to read (probably), draw (a lot), and exercise (maybe)
I will be starting a comic soon, and its still got a lot of work to be done on it, however I will have a lot of time to myself so I will have a lot of time to do it.
Sunday, August 1, 2010

illustration friday,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I thought of Siamese twins, and when I was drawing this I made up a story in my mind.
Carrol (right) was always very much suspicious of her sister Coral (left). She was always smiling no matter what and liked to show off how kind she was by doing "nice things" for other people. Carol was so sure she was just trying to show her up, but she wasn't buying it. She was so certain one day her sister wanted to have her removed so she could be a regular, single-headed person. One day she'll show her, she promised to herself. One day SHE'LL be the one without two heads! She'll remove Coral!
Ok so it isn't a good story. :|
I'm not a good writer, ok? ok.
illustration friday,
Sunday, July 25, 2010
So guess what? I got a job at a sushi restaurant! It was so weird because I wasn't even interviewed. They hired me as soon as I gave them my resume. I embarrassingly admit though to doing a little happy dance as soon as I left that day. Something along the lines of

So I started my training on Friday. It was a really nice place, and I've eaten there and really liked it. Its my favorite place to go actually-- and I'm not making this up in the event that my boss ends up reading this. I really do mean it.
So I told you it was nice. Big deal. First-day screw ups still apply even when you are confidant of your "super experienced food service skills". Not to mention everyone who worked there was speaking a different language and I was the only white person there...

and I'm pretty sure the translation goes something like this

Mostly because of what I happened to do when confronted with saucy-messy-madness brought on by saucy-messy-cleaning

OH and the fact that there was an all-black dress code and- well you can see what I'm wearing there, so.
I work again on Wednesday. I hope I don't mess this one up.

So I started my training on Friday. It was a really nice place, and I've eaten there and really liked it. Its my favorite place to go actually-- and I'm not making this up in the event that my boss ends up reading this. I really do mean it.
So I told you it was nice. Big deal. First-day screw ups still apply even when you are confidant of your "super experienced food service skills". Not to mention everyone who worked there was speaking a different language and I was the only white person there...

and I'm pretty sure the translation goes something like this

Mostly because of what I happened to do when confronted with saucy-messy-madness brought on by saucy-messy-cleaning

OH and the fact that there was an all-black dress code and- well you can see what I'm wearing there, so.
I work again on Wednesday. I hope I don't mess this one up.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sorry for the lack of posts.
Life really hasn't been interesting, except maybe when I went to an anime convention, which was only fun on the last day I was there when I found a Para Para club in my city! I'm so excited to start. I practiced the Chocolate song for hours and hours.
They're doing renovations in my apartment, which is great, because its old and needs it, but unfortunately for me, I'm allergic to EVERYTHING. So my throat is just killing me, and I have to pee every 10 minutes because I'm drinking so many fluids to keep my throat from raging on me like an angry demon. Good lord.
I'd complain, but then again when I have a stable job enough to live on my own my mom is going to move out and I get this apartment with a friend of mine, and... I WANT A NEW KITCHEN.
They're going to put in a dishwasher HECK YESSSSS!!!!
So I'll just suffer with a soar throat for a few months. Yipee.
anime convention,
para para,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
memes will get old if you overuse them

This is more a note to myself.
I've been addicted to memes lately, and I fear I might become trapped in the interwebs like my imaginary-granny-I-made-up-one-day-who-has-salt-and-pepper-hair-and-sits-in-a-rocker-knitting-all-day-telling-old-wives-tales-to-anyone-who-listens always says, and I will get eaten by a Swirl Crab.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Keep a diary, and someday it'll keep you.
Mae West
So I was browsing Flickr. Browse browse browse. La dee da dee da. And then SUDDENLY (if suddenly means at a snail's pace) I came across this website. And, well, there you go.
illustration friday,
mae west,
Friday, July 9, 2010

There was a lot of stress involved, a lot of editing on my part, and then a name change, and finally, in the end, we have Contemplative Cat, a new named inspired by a picture of a cat I seen who looked like he was figuring out what life was. I wish I could speak cat and ask him.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
I hate this name too.
I'm going to change the name as well.
Sorry for the short posts, I am just frustrated.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I'm getting to hate this layout.
No more posts until I get a new one that doesn't make me think pepto bismol every time I look at it.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Grad Parties = Awesome
So the last two nights I went partying. The first night was one of my best friends' graduation party, and I wore my dress (seen above, ahem), and it was awesome. I actually danced. I never dance ok. Big deal. It was so much fun I ended up going out with them afterwards and staying out until 3am! We threw timbits at our friends' window. It was hilarious ok. Yesterday I went horseback riding and had a fancy dinner (wearing my dress. ahem.) and then had a campfire thing. We were all so wiped out by it all (and it was only 11:30 at night!) So perfect weekend? I think so. Except now I'm like this:

I can't even draw properly I'm so tired. Thats why this post is so lifeless, despite the fun-filledness of the weekend. And also its boiling hot ew. ok bye now. zzzzzzzzz
horseback riding,
Friday, July 2, 2010
Well this is awesome.
So this morning I invited a friend over. We wanted to make breakfast (a REAL breakfast) for ourselves for fun, and so we did. I tried to make poached eggs, but just like in Julie and Julia, it wasn't as easy as 1, 2, 3. I ended up (out of stupidity) pouring out the ruined egg in the sink, which I hadn't realized was clogged AND the pipe was broken (or something, I dont know know the plumber is late. Yes I am very surprised that he is late. Its such an uncommon thing. Is my sarcasm obvious enough? Should I wear my 'sarcasm' shirt?) So we tried to scoop out as much as we could, and then I noticed the floor was wet. Well actually it was SOAKING wet. The HUGEST PUDDLE EVER POURED OUT FROM UNDERNEATH MY SINK.
So long story short we couldn't do the dishes. .__. I should see this as a good thing but the kitchen is at its most disgusting so no I don't.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
to be pretty or to not to be pretty.

Dying my hair blonde this week. Everyone has been saying it wont look good on me, I should stay this horrible brown-red that everyone passes as red even though ITS CLEARLY BROWN. Or if they don't say that, they're telling me it costs a lot in maintenance. I'm not that new to the hair scene, darlings. I am a girl you know, believe it or not.
I finally have my grad outfit completed. 20's flapper-style black dress from Frendi, little brown western booties from Spring, sweet little earrings I found at Ardenes that have a little fake pearl and silver bows, and I'll probably wear my watch I got as a grad present from my "adopted" grandparents. :D
The actual party was last Friday, but I don't really like the kids I attended highschool with so why pay $60 to a party I wont enjoy, right? Instead I am going to my friends' grad party, and then the next day I'm having my own celebration Horseback riding, Dinner, and then a "bonfire"--which is actually more of a camp fire but I like saying bonfire better.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Jack the Welcome Frog welcomes you.

Hello and welcome to my little drawing blog!
I am addicted to other drawing blogs such as Susan Draws and Hyperbole and a Half that I wanted to make my own.
Let me tell you a little about myself.
My name is Melissa. I like drawing.
I want to become a Graphic Designer.
My favorite color is white. I'm Seventeen (going on eighteen. SOON. Like in 5 months or something lol)
I'm awkward. And I hate writing about mes because sometimes I put in something sounding really big-headed and self-absorby and I hate that.
I recently went on a bike trip 20km to the beach and only just barely made it there when it started to pour down rain on me and my friend.
I got 34 mosquito bites from it.
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